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To add or remove a person to your lease agreement, you must be a lease signatory and submit a request using the Mynd Resident mobile app, (available for download on iPhone and Android) or by logging into your resident account at and selecting "Get Help" from the sidebar menu, then select "I have a question about my Lease agreement." You mail also make your request by emailing A Mynd associate will guide you through the required steps.

To add a person/persons we will need a signed application for every adult applying along with the following documentation:

  • Photo ID

  • 2 months' Pay stubs for ALL household members

  • Bank Statements

To remove a person/persons we need to recertify the household income to verify that the remaining household members qualify to remain in the home. To do so we will need the following documentation from the remaining household members:

  • 2 months' pay stubs for all remaining household members 

Once the applications are processed and income is verified, all applicable fees will be applied to your account for payment. A change of tenancy form will be sent and all persons must sign this form including, the persons leaving the home and the new roommates.